
The Federation shares a video series

The Federation Vocation Animation team heard the question, "where have all the Sisters gone?" and developed a series of short video vignettes to offer an answer!  Each month we will release a new video, each on a different theme, or featuring one of our Sisters. This month, we hope you enjoy, "The Call".

Click this link to view our video.

Header image: Unsplash/Patrick Fore

First Profession of Sister Mary Anne Larocque

The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada are pleased to announce the First Profession of Sister Mary Anne Larocque on August 11. 2016. Sister Mary Anne professed vows of poverty, chastity and obedience during the Rite of Religious Profession at Mass in the London Residence. This first celebration of Profession for the new Congregation was indeed a joyous occasion for all of the Sisters.