climate change

Our Vanishing Heritage: Canada’s Irreplaceable Old Growth Forests  


Forests  are our climate allies – defending against climate change. They sequester carbon below and above ground, provide habitat for endangered species, clean water and revive our spirits. The survival of Canada’s remaining old-growth forests is in jeopardy. The logging of old-growth forests in BC has increased this past year despite protests.   

In the June 2021  issue of The Walrus, Suzanne Simard, Professor of forest ecology at UBC, provides a startling description of how “trees cooperate, share resources, and communicate through underground fungal – or mycorrhizal – networks . . . “ in British Columbia’s old-growth forests. The giant 250-year-old trees are central in the ecosystem consisting of plants, fungi, rainfall, fires, birds, animals, and humans.  These marvelous old-growth forests contribute greatly to the quality of our environment and enjoyment of life.  However, they are rapidly disappearing and will never be replaced.   Our future will lack giant trees that nurture seedlings, host disappearing species, deter wildfires, protect water systems, absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, and feed our spirits.   


The May 27 issue of The Globe and Mail  contains an article by Justine Hunter, “Understanding the backstory behind the Fairy Creek blockade”.   The Teal Jones Group, the largest privately-owned timber harvesting and lumber-product manufacturing company in BC., had obtained a license to harvest a 12.8-hectare block of mainly old-growth forests.  On discovering a new logging road to this site last summer, a group of protesters called the “Rainforest Flying Squad” established a series of moving blockades to prevent access. On April 1 this year the BC Supreme Court granted an injunction that authorized the RCMP to remove protesters from blockades in logging roads within Tree Farm License areas.     

Hunter’s article states that BC has 57 million hectares of forests and about 200,000 hectares are harvested each year—mostly in replanted second-growth areas “which do not recreate the rich biodiverse ecosystems of an undisturbed forest”.  There are about 13 million hectares of old forests in B.C. and 80% of that consists of less productive areas of bogs or high altitude sparsely treed land of low commercial value. Approximately 50,000 hectares of old-growth is harvested annually. Unlike countries, such as New Zealand, old-growth logging is still permitted.    


Protests against logging old-growth forests continue despite more than 150 arrests. Protesters are chaining themselves to whatever they can to fight against logging in the Fairy Creek area of B.C. Hundreds of people continue to flood back into old-growth blockade camps cleared by the RCMP to protect what they view as the very limited remaining old-growth forests.                 

In Canada, we are facing a choice of valuing a lucrative resource that rewards governments and corporations versus protecting a valuable and irreplaceable heritage.   

-Sister Patricia McKeon, csj

Weekly Pause & Ponder

We are all paying the price for climate change.  Some of us though, are bearing a greater burden.  It’s a scary commentary on inequity writ large, and it points to an urgent need for all of us to work harder to advance environmental justice everywhere.

 - Rhea Suh, NRDC President.

Walk On, Walk On, With Hope in Your Heart

…and you’ll never walk alone. These lyrics, popularly known and sung by various artists express the sentiments embodied by a large gathering at Victoria Park on Sunday, November 29 for the Climate Change Rally. There we heard speakers from various organizations urging us ALL to effect the change in caring for earth. NOW is the moment for urgent action. Individuals and groups gathered because we all have hope that we can be the change we want to see.

It was very inspiring to see little children carrying placards …one in particular caught my eye:”Grown ups, please remember us”. Other strong messages were visible like, "Respect Your Mother" and "We Want Climate Action", "The Earth Deserves to be Preserved".

Earlier this month, the Council of Canadians issued a challenge, an invitation to join the rally for the climate. The invitation said, “This is our moment London, to come together and fight for our future. We need everyone's voice to make the message loud and clear to all our politicians. This is a global rally with more than 2500 communities around the world gathering on the day before the historic talks at COP21 in Paris begin on Monday November 30th. Please consider joining us and bringing your friends and family. This affects every global citizen on the planet and we must unite to create a renewable future!!” And turn out we did!

“Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible.” Cherie Carter Scott

And so, we walk on, walk on, with hope in our hearts, because we never need to walk alone.

Kathleen Lichti, CSJ


Alberta’s Climate Plan: Game Changed

Ever have one of those days when all the assumptions you had about an issue turned upside down? Today (November 22nd) is one of those days.

Addressing climate change in Canada has long been an intractable problem. This is because, despite the slowly transforming economies and declining carbon pollution emissions in Ontario, Quebec and B.C., Alberta’s emissions were growing at a breakneck pace and wiping out the reductions happening everywhere else. As a result Canadian governments were left with two options: deny or avoid the problem, or force change on Alberta.

Needless to say previous federal governments have consistently chosen door one.

But today’s climate change announcement in Alberta could change all that forever. The new plan will:

  • Cap the carbon emissions from the tar sands at 100 MT and eventually force them to decline
  • Close the fleet of coal electricity plants by 2030, drastically reducing both deadly local air pollution and also massive amounts of carbon emissions
  • Increase the amount of renewable electricity on the grid to 30% by the same year
  • See Alberta join with Ontario, Quebec and B.C. in putting a price on carbon pollution. Alberta’s price will start at $20/year in 2017, rise to $30 in 2018 and then rise annually. Money from the fee will be invested in programs to further reduce carbon emissions and help to ensure that price increases don’t harm citizens with limited income
  • Significantly reduce waste methane emissions from oil and gas wells that are also important causes of climate change

This is a historic moment for Alberta and Canada. This is a commitment to tangible and aggressive climate action and we all should applaud Alberta for this huge change in direction.

Based on this announcement, Alberta’s carbon pollution should soon peak and start to decline. This is a fundamental pivot after years of uncontrolled carbon emissions growth and it removes one of the largest barriers to developing a meaningful Canadian climate strategy.

This announcement also sets Alberta on a path toward diversifying its economy and recognizing that a global transition away from fossil fuels is essential if the world as we know it is to survive. The money collected from a new price on carbon pollution can be invested in more energy efficient homes and businesses, new clean technology and renewable energy jobs.

With this move from Alberta, there is now nothing standing in the federal government’s way of developing a credible climate strategy and following Alberta’s lead by setting a limit on carbon pollution in Canada. Canada can now move ahead and fulfill its promise to cut carbon pollution in line with global science-based targets. 

Today’s announcement is very good news for Albertans and Canadians. It will help protect us all from dangerous climate change, set the scene for Canada to restore our good name, and places the country and the province in a solid position to harness the opportunities for growth in a clean economy.

This is the beginning of something new, folks. I am looking forward to a new Canada on the stage in Paris at the U.N. climate negotiations.

Guest blogger, Tim Gray, Executive Director of Environment Defence

Another Messenger Came…..Will We Listen?

Another Messenger Came…..Will We Listen?

...David Suzuki came, a voice crying in the wilderness; we laughed and barely listened as the smog increased.

...The First Nations came, beating drums for Mother Earth; we polluted the water and raped the land.

...The scientists came, with unquestionable evidence – the sea is rising, the earth is warming, the ozone is disappearing; we silenced them and destroyed their research.

...The poor came, unable to till the barren soil now becoming deserts; we turned away and continued our destructive ways.

...The hurricanes, fires, tsunamis and blizzards came; we rebuilt and carried on as usual.

...Pope Francis came carrying peace and Laudato Si.  Will we listen and mend our destructive path to end it all?

Will We Listen?

Jean Moylan, CSJ