Those of you who follow our CSJ blog posts may be familiar with how I draw inspiration from TV commercials while enjoying my morning coffee.
Let me make a disclaimer before I continue - I have no stock in Audi! This morning, I heard the current Audi slogan, “Future is an attitude.” What I found while googling this reiterated phrase of Audi provided me with greater detail concerning the car company’s self-professed vision and how it sees itself.
-Abraham Lincoln
Audi advertises that its vision is not only embodied in how it designs cars but also in how it sees the future. This company shares its belief that what we create today will lead, (as in their case) not only to better cars but to a better future. They assert that their 100-year constant progress relies on, “Seeing possibilities where others perceive impossibilities. And inspiration, where there are obstacles.”
Attitude, seeing possibilities, and inspiration got me thinking. On a personal level, I was made more aware of how my attitudinal stance in the present, has the ability, to some degree, to shape my future circumstances and experience of the now. My current attitude does, in fact, create what’s in my control going forward. For instance, if I feel hopeful that I will be able to meet the changing nature of COVID circumstances, there is a much better chance that I will be able to do so.
“Our congregation’s intention is to respond daily to the inspiration of God’s Spirit.”
On a communal level, attitude, seeing possibilities, and inspiration connect me to the spirit of our current congregation’s Direction Statement, Moving with Love. In part, it states:
Immersed in Life and Love
We embrace this moment of possibility
as a graced path to Transformation.
In essence, the above words express much the same spirit that is contained in the Audi tagline, “Future is an Attitude.” Our congregation’s intention is to respond daily to the inspiration of God’s Spirit. We trust that our communal attitude can influence the whole-making energies released in ourselves and in the planet for the healing of the world.
-Sister Nancy Wales, csj
Image: Unsplash/Rianne Zuur