
PLAY – I Dare You!

“Where there is play, there is infinite possibilities.” A number of commercials are really pushing the idea of “play” trying to release us into the outdoors and away from our electric gadgets. These commercials bring us back to the golden years of our childhood (at least those of us who are seventy and more). 

Remember skipping, double Dutch, marbles, street hockey (when cars didn’t drive fast and were willing to move over), baseball games (including kids and parents), hide and seek, especially after the street lights came on. Coaches were parents sitting on the porch, hollering encouragement and refereeing.

Unfortunately much of our time has been taken over by gadgets that serve to exercise only our fingers. Chores use to be decided by rock, paper, scissors, not by lists on the computer. You didn’t need watches because when the street lights came on, it was time to come in and play a game of cards or checkers, with the radio playing (“The Shadow Knows” or “The Green Hornet”) in the background.

Summer is running away from us. Outdoor play is not just for children.  How can we play outdoors (running bases is kind of out)? Walking, sitting on the porch and playing “I spy”, maybe use a two wheel bike.  Even sit out in the fresh air chatting with some friends. Let’s exercise the infinite possibility of play. Don’t let the rapid movement of summer rob you of playtime.

If we turn the ‘L’ in play to an ‘R’, it becomes pray. Pray also has possibilities. Let’s combine the two activities pray and play! Won’t God be pleasantly surprised!

Sr. Barbara Vaughan