
Whimsical Wisdom

Every once in a while you unexpectedly come across a book that is a catalyst for great reflection.

Finding the thoughtful little book, Chasing Dreams, written by Kobi Yamada, is one such book. The author offers wisdom as the subtitle suggests on “how to add more daring to your doing.”

The illustrations by Charles Santoso enhance Kobi Yamada’s words of wisdom. His creative visuals add a purposeful addition to this delightful book, through his portrayal of the  whimsical antics of an active, inquisitive, and playful raccoon.

I offer you two wisdom nuggets from Chasing Dreams to whet your appetite for this delightful, yet challenging read.

“Spend your energy wisely,

Fill your time with things that fill your heart.

Breathe deeply into the possibilities of your life.”


“Put work behind your good intentions.

Keep the promises you made to yourself.”


I am quite confident in putting a good word in for this inspirational read. The book jacket aptly states that the book is recommended for anyone ages ninety-nine or younger. Happy Reading!

Sister Nancy Wales, Reading Enthusiast

IMAGE: Sincerely Media @sincerelymedia/Unsplash