
A Vacation that Nurtures Spirit

As autumn weather cooled the environment and sunlight turned maple leaves into a glowing splendor of colour, I embarked on several days of silent reflection at Stillpoint House of Prayer.  This small facility on the Madawaska River serves people living in the Ottawa area and beyond who value taking time away from the busyness of daily life to restore energy and to “listen” to the wisdom within the core of their being, that is their “spirit”,  touched by the Spirit of the Creator.

Walking along quiet country roads, sitting on the banks of the Madawaska, and watching storms from within a cozy dwelling were contemplative experiences. It is in such conditions that I gain perspective about what is essential in life, encounter my own limitations, the immensity of God’s love, and learn to live more reflectively. I left Stillpoint with renewed energy, greater perspective of what gives meaning to my life, and awareness of how necessary it is to periodically take time away for renewing spiritual energy.

We all need time and space to care for ourselves. Sometimes turning off the television and walking in a park or one of the many trails alongside rivers and creeks is enough to restore balance in our lives. Perhaps a vacation, designed to nurture your spirit as well as your body and mind, may yield far more benefits than a luxury cruise or expensive stay in a resort.  - Sr. Patricia McKeon, csj

Living Faith: A Pilgrimage Retreat for Young Adults

Join other young adults

August 24, 2018 - 8:30am - August 26, 2018 - 5:00pm

Faith Connections and the Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph of Canada invite you to experience LIVING FAITH! Join other young adults (men and women, 18-39) on a weekend pilgrimage as we explore how to live the call to faith with the Sisters of St. Joseph at a camp located on the shores of Lake Nipissing in North Bay, Ontario.

Through interactive activities, prayer and fellowship, we'll delve deeper into our living faith.

Cost: $150, including meals and accommodation (single bed cottages — $70 if you do not require accommodation). Early bird registration before June 1: $120 (If cost is a concern, please contact us.)

Carpooling available.

To register, contact Kataryna Ryba:    or 416-467-2645.

Take Time to Retreat

It is customary for each member of a religious congregation to make an annual retreat of at least six days. This sacred time is a means of renewing the mind, heart and spirit. It`s a time for quiet and peace-filled refocusing. I recently completed my retreat with a group of our Sisters in the presence of a leader who provided spiritual input to enhance our time together.

Silent retreat times call me to slow my pace, turn off the noise of the world and listen to my interior being. Away from the daily hurly burly and stresses of life, I can listen to the Spirit in my heart.

Retreat days assist me in deepening my relationship with God as I ponder the realization that everything in our universe is connected. I am nudged to deepen my relationship with myself and others and to live more fully our oneness with Mother Earth. I take time to peek at my shadow side with its fears and negative emotions.

Slowing down the pace of life takes time. I find that after several days of quiet walks in nature, taking rejuvenating naps and sitting quietly, I feel closer to God, more in tune with myself and more prepared to return to life in our busy world.

Not everyone can arrange for extended retreats but most of us can make time for a walk in the neighbourhood. There one can enjoy the peaceful sights and sounds of nature. Songbirds in the trees, children at play and neatly trimmed yards add beauty to the surroundings and provide a space for renewal.

With summer holidays underway, remember that during Canada’s 150th celebration as a country, admission to Canada’s national parks is free. What a fine opportunity to plan time alone or with family surrounded by God’s magnificence.  It is a feast for the senses. Taking time for rest and relaxation is not a luxury – it’s a necessity.

Jean Moylan, CSJ



Outside, Inside the Box Thinking

"In God’s Womb: A Journey with yourself and God."

 When I first read Edwina Gately’s words on the flyer advertising her day of retreat, I was somewhat overwhelmed.  To be a co-creator of God!  A tall order, or as Edwina writes ‘an enormous task.’ However, I wanted to learn more about co-creating with God. I mean, really, God needs me to help God create?

From the time Edwina was introduced that Saturday morning at Kings College, I knew I was in for a treat. It immediately was evident that this wise woman, whom some call a mystic, and who has travelled the world, has vast experience.

Her unique manner of presentation, and her wonderful sense of humour were evident from the moment she began our day together. We all instantly knew it would be a day of great soul food which would also challenge our minds. She was definitely going to invite us to think outside the box. When she invited us “to look at all that has gone before us, and to recognize that each one of us, however small, has a unique task in co-creation” my heart nearly skipped a beat. So what is this task of each one of us? 

As I continue to reflect, Edwina’s latest book of poetry Soul Whispers inspires me to continue to look outside the box, deep within myself. Just as the healthy food inside our lunch box sustained me that day, Edwina’s image of my life’s journey inside God’s womb, is in the forefront of my mind, and tucked into my heart. Her question ‘who is God for you’ still resonates within. Instantly I recall the image of God I used to have. In my younger years God and happiness were never synonymous. God was a stern judge … ’do as you’re told, be obedient’ are words that used to echo through my soul. Thankfully I no longer have this image. 

Edwina’s suggestion to see God as a great seducer, ever inviting me deeper into a journey of intimacy, has stayed with me. Along with caterpillars, the sod, the animals, the birds, every man and woman I am part of an interconnected interrelated cosmos. In God’s womb we are one. As a co-creator, God has mandated me, all of us, to care not only for the dear neighbour, but for our common home, mother earth. In light of the recently published encyclical Laudato Si by Pope Francis, I renew my personal commitment to be a loyal faithful co-creator of God’s wonderful earth.

Loretta Hagen, csj