
The Blanket

How a blanket covers what is beneath depends upon its size, but when nature creates its own blanket the beauty of what’s beneath enhances the blanket itself.

The contrast of darkness covered by a brilliant white of fresh fallen snow gives the look of a winter wonderland. As the small winter birds flutter among the branches knocking clouds of snow to the ground, as like children playing on a field of fresh fallen snow as the snowballs float through the air.

Nature’s blanket covers all it touches, no tree, roof or lawn left untouched. The sun makes it glitter as each flake reflects the light from above.

Like any blanket it is tossed off. The gentle breeze removes the blanket from the trees and sheds it to the ground below, uncovering the beauty it once covered. The nakedness once again revealed for all to see.

- Sr. Donna Smith, CSJ February 18, 2019

(Photo Credit: Sr. Donna Smith)


Easter Sunday’s surprise snowfall reminded me that life is full of surprises.  March 31st was my birthday when many years ago, another snowfall greeted me and welcomed me into life. But this Sunday morning, we were celebrating the new life in God brought forth through the Resurrection. I woke that morning to behold God’s marvelous gift to me.  Trees painted in the glistening whitewash of snow with sunbeams bouncing off each branch – talk about a sight to behold! But another reality struck me – others would have to clean off their cars. That was true for friends who were taking me out to lunch to celebrate. Life has many perspectives – one person’s delight could be another person’s trail. If we are the one gifted, do we also have compassion for those who experience misfortune? But equally true to remember is that no matter how we see the world around us and experience what touches our lives, God is always with us. This is such an important part of the Easter message.

So the God of Surprises, walks with us, opening us and urging us to be receptive and sensitive to each other. Learning to live this way then we also grow in our ability to surprise others, and maybe God, too.

Barbara Vaughan. CSJ