
Give Thanks for Speech

Earlier this week the mother of a friend died, Fran was ninety-two years old. We may think she was blessed with a long journey through life, and this is true; however, for the last 21 years as a result of a stroke she has not been able to speak. I can hardly imagine not being able to communicate without using speech. Our voice, which we take so much for granted, expresses our thoughts and feelings. Sometimes our voice conveys our pleasure and other times our displeasure or disappointment. Our voice even asks or answers questions, makes our opinion heard, enters into a conversation, or makes our needs known.

Think over the last day—how did your voice add or subtract to the world around you? Speech is something we take so much for granted—it is just part of our everyday life. Think of your mother’s speaking words: the endearing, “I love you” or the reprimanding, “you should know better young lady!” Her words of wisdom like “learn from your mistakes”, daily chatter, “so how was your day?” “call your sisters for supper.” or “be in the house before the street lights come on.”

Speech allows us to express our simplest needs: “I am hungry”, “I’m tired”, “I’m too hot”, “I’m too cold”, and many more…

Fran tried to communicate to the best of her ability but could never replace the power of the spoken word. You can hardly imagine how difficult this was for her family and friends, as they struggled over the years to encourage Fran and how saddened they were when at times they couldn’t relieve her frustration.

Now Fran is speaking, chatting, and singing all over heaven. In her first face to face with her loving Creator, I can hear her telling God how thankful she is for her family and caregivers—speechless no more! “Bless my family and caregivers I know they were your special gift to me!”

Come to me, all you that are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest, says the Lord (P5 11:28)” St. Fran intercessor for the speechless… pray for us.

Barbara Vaughan, CSJ