When I read this poem I felt the depth of our Sisters of St. Joseph charism and wholeness of the evolutionary process of all of Creation. The person who wrote this poem is my classmate, Sister Caroline Bering.
She told me that it “just came to her”. My impulse to share this poem with you is that I felt that it would resonate with many of us and together we would feel its beauty, goodness, and truth.
Here is the poem as originally written by Caroline without punctuation. Just let the poem speak! -Sister Mary Vandersteen
is it the fuzzy caterpillar letting go of its very self
to become an amazing butterfly
or maybe it’s the excited bud imagining what it will be –
a rosebud
or even a yellow head dandelion always turning to the sun
is it me looking inward through layers and layers
until I reach down to
the divine spark
that calls me to flare forth
in a blazing fire of love
to ignite cold hearts to burn with compassion
~Sister Caroline Bering