As I took up my pen to write a few thoughts on the connection between leisure time and contemplative spirituality, I decided that a little music would set the tone for such musings. The first tape that I picked up was entitled “A Passion for Melody” and it struck me that this spoke aptly to the subject at hand. For what is at the heart of contemplative spirituality if not a passion for the melody of creation woven by God into every aspect of our lives.
Image: Unsplash/Ruslan Sikunov
In contemplative spirituality we begin to see creation with new eyes - its beauty, its grandeur, its power – like the phrases of a melody flowing from the mind and heart of a great composer. This melody has many tempos and many cadences. It is found in the slow, soft tones of imageless prayer; it is found in the measured beat of meaningful work; it is found in the ecstasy of love and in the playful intervals of leisure time.
Contemplative spiritualty opens the door to this melody, allows us to see the unity, the oneness of all creation in God. And thus seeing, we begin to understand that leisure time spent in activities which promote connectedness and “in-tune-ness” with ourselves and others, are as much a part of this grand composition as are the quiet intervals of meditation or the quickened tempo of ministerial labors.
Leisure is one of the things that helps us to stay focused on God’s melody. Because we are more relaxed, to binds us more closely to the present moment where God, the great composer is always at work. Conversely, if we do not engage in healthy leisure, we risk the danger of being “out of tune” with the melody of creation in our everyday life. We succumb to the worry, anxiety and busyness and gradually lose the passion for God’s melody.
IMAGE: Unsplash/Ira Selendripity
Contemplative spirituality which touches all areas of our life (including leisure), keeps us attuned to the unifying quality of the melody of God. In time we begin to hum that melody in our heart as we go about our daily tasks. And if we should falter, we always have the presence of our Master Conductor, Jesus Christ, to call us back to what we already know in our heart – that any moment can be a contemplative moment, a moment of deep connectedness with God and all of God’s creation. May the melody play on.
Written by Sister Margaret Ferris , d. Nov.12, 2017.