Welcome to Our New Website

Welcome to our new Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada website. As we come to some newness in ourselves, we knew it was time to take another look at how we are communicating with others through our website.

We want our face to the world to be a gathering space for conversations that will be more interactive. 

With our blogs, we hope to add to the conversation from various parts of our world. These conversations will help us know our differences and to understand more deeply how we have come to what we experience. There are some book clubs that have formed recently in Canada and the underlying question they explore together is, “How can you think that?” Of course, there are two ways to read that question. One way assumes a stance verging on aggression. The other relies on our natural curiosity.  We hope our conversations together find us full of curiosity.

We are part of the movement within so many others who are imagining and making possible a liveable world….a world in which diversity can flourish; a world in which we act as partners rather than enemies; a world in which we hone in together on common ground as we live together on this common planet.

And so, welcome…a hundred times welcome.

- Sr Margo Ritchie, Congregational Leader, CSJ