Finding My Path

“Mission is never the fruit of a perfectly planned program or a well-organized manual. Mission is always the fruit of a life which knows what it is to be found and healed, encountered and forgiven. Mission is born of a constant experience of God’s merciful anointing.”

The above quote of Pope Francis provides me with insight into what is meant by ‘MISSION‘. It seems to me that mission is born out of a life of prayerful discernment and attentive listening. Mission leads into ministry. Openness to the whisperings of the Spirit of God leads and guides me into active ministry.

For myself, Pope Francis’ words remind me of the responsibility I have taken on as a Christian and as a Sister of St. Joseph. I am continually being called to a life of prayerful discernment. In prayer I discover God’s call to be and to do.

Simone Batte, csj