Paying Attention to What is Right with the World

In a recent course called Transformation in Business, Society and Self, this question emerged.

What can we do to transform personal, organisational and societal patterns to create disruptive and necessary change?

Many of us watch the daily round of news wondering where we are headed. Is there any hope? And why is all breaking news about a tragedy and about violence? What if the following flashed on our television screen as breaking news:

“There is an emerging an increasingly coherent community of change-makers and innovators globally who are dedicated to helping our society to shift for the better.” Marian Goodman who leads Innovation Labs and Leadership Journeys

The Sisters of St. Joseph, in partnership with PILLAR nonprofit and Kings University College invites you to join us for a two day symposium at Kings College in London Ontario. As we give our attention over to what is possible…together… something new can emerge for the well-being of all in our local communities and on our planet. Join us on November 11—12, 2016 for SHIFTING FROM EGO TO ECO: CREATING WELL-BEING FOR ALL.

We are delighted to be joined by Marian Goodman who works with groups around the globe on the topic of creating well-being for all and by Frederic Laloux, author of Re-Inventing Organisations. They will share their experience and invite us into our own.

As well, there is a stand-alone presentation by Frederic Laloux on Friday, November 11 at 7 p.m. evening.

Piqued your interest?? Learn more about the symposium and how to register HERE

Flyer in PDF

Margo Ritchie, CSJ