Words for Life Book Launch

Sister Rosemary O'Toole, pictured left, celebrated her book launch at St. John the Apostle Parish Hall in Ottawa, on Saturday, November 9, 2019.  Rosemary shares the day's highlights with us here:

Over eighty some guests streamed in gradually over the Saturday afternoon picking up their pre-ordered sets of books or purchasing them at the various stations. They browsed the memorabilia table illustrating the evolution of her teachings on Medaille Spirituality: first in local parishes; then by correspondence booklets; then as an Online Forum; then taught in Le Puy, France and at Galilee Centre in Arnprior, Ontario. 

Rosemary has known over many years of research and reflection that this spirituality carries a wisdom and sustenance that cuts across centuries, across world crises and diverse cultures. There is a deepening hunger in our day which usually surfaces in the throes of chaos and disruption. She explores the energy of Love as what can carry us personally and collectively in this 21st Century… Into the 400-year-old original writings, she lets the spirit of evolutionary consciousness shine new light.

We appreciated listening to the accounts written by our five copy-editors: Wendy Cotter, CSJ; Monica Hartnett, SSJ; Margaret Keller, CSJ; Evelyn McGovern, CSJ and Liz Charbonneau – these were read by different Council members and Liz. I am most grateful for their generosity and excellence in editing. Praise is already pouring in for the books beauty, organization and attractive formatting. 

This publication of WORDS FOR LIFE was birthed into creation over the past nine months and was a celebration and collaboration of the gifts of many Sisters, researchers, associates and Upper Room friends. Seventeen different artists and four poets are featured in the four volumes. We were delighted to have six present at the Book Launch. They shared their experience of being invited to participate.

The publisher, John Brooks of Discern Products, stationed in Ottawa, spoke about his vision and mission as he moved into the Christian publishing business post-retirement. He shared how he hoped that there might be some interest among the Jesuits and Sisters of St. Joseph in having Father Medaille considered for beatification. In reviewing the texts, he was most impressed with his life, his works and his writings. A timeless spirituality …and not just for the Sisters of St. Joseph.

Our pastor, Father Lindsay Harrison prayed a Blessing of the Books. Karen Lahaise interviewed me allowing me another occasion to give thanks for personal graces received throughout the nine months of writing these four volumes. I witnessed grace in action! As the maxim says, “Never go ahead of grace through imprudent eagerness, but await its moment in peace, and when it comes to you, follow it with great gentleness and courage” (M.P.6:9). Grace spoke to me, guided me, energized me throughout the writing! I encourage all of you:

Obey those inspirations of grace that just come to you


As Father Medaille would say at the end of his discourse: Now,

“may God accomplish his marvels according to the measure of his good pleasure”

(E.L. par. 42).

- Blessings, Rosemary O’Toole, CSJ

For further information about the books please visit:

The Upper Room