Did you know that there’s a new treat called birthday timbiebs? That’s what our little foursome at the cottage discovered when we set out to celebrate Sister Dora’s 85th birthday. The venue chosen for the special lunch was Tim Horton’s because one of our Sisters generously shared a sizable gift card which she had received. These are the special, unexpected deeds of kindness that occur during our life together in community.
Sister Dora celebrates her 85th birthday
On July 12th, off we drove to nearby Bright’s Grove to celebrate the occasion and spend our windfall. Fortunately, Timmy’s usual lunchtime hustle and bustle was absent, so we had a leisurely celebration. Of course, Tim Horton’s menu doesn’t include birthday cake, but we did spy the new, delicious waffle cake birthday timbiebs. These little round bites sufficed for cake and candles to complete our special event.
Incidentally, I’m a belieber and follow the career of Canada’s young Justin. Therefore, it was fun to have this be a part of our unique way to celebrate Sister Dora before returning to relaxing at Derrynane cottage on lovely Lake Huron. Its inviting water and magnificent sunsets provide a perfect setting to savor our last days of summer bliss. We are forever grateful for this quiet, refreshing retreat where we’ve been vacationing for over half a century. Quite a Canadian moment indeed.
-Sister Jean Moylan, csj