
Celebrating, Cottage-Style

Did you know that there’s a new treat called birthday timbiebs?  That’s what our little foursome at the cottage discovered when we set out to celebrate Sister Dora’s 85th birthday.  The venue chosen for the special lunch was Tim Horton’s because one of our Sisters generously shared a sizable gift card which she had received.  These are the special, unexpected deeds of kindness that occur during our life together in community.   

Sister Dora celebrates her 85th birthday

On July 12th, off we drove to nearby Bright’s Grove to celebrate the occasion and spend our windfall. Fortunately, Timmy’s usual lunchtime hustle and bustle was absent, so we had a leisurely celebration.  Of course, Tim Horton’s menu doesn’t include birthday cake, but we did spy the new, delicious waffle cake birthday timbiebs.  These little round bites sufficed for cake and candles to complete our special event.

Incidentally, I’m a belieber and follow the career of Canada’s young Justin.  Therefore, it was fun to have this be a part of our unique way to celebrate Sister Dora before returning to relaxing at Derrynane cottage on lovely Lake Huron. Its inviting water and magnificent sunsets provide a perfect setting to savor our last days of summer bliss.  We are forever grateful for this quiet, refreshing retreat where we’ve been vacationing for over half a century. Quite a Canadian moment indeed.

-Sister Jean Moylan, csj

Sending a Birthday Card? Kick it up a Notch!

“If you look deeply into the palm of your hand, you will see your parents and all generations of your ancestors. All of them are alive in this moment.  Each is present in your body. You are the continuation of each of these people.”   
—    - Thich Nhat Hahn

This quote by Thich Nhat Hahn, reminds me of the story of evolution, especially on a birthday!  I like reflecting on the Big Bang, and enclosing it into a birthday card, a handwritten note, with some of the following content: “13.7 billion years ago our Universe Story began.  Next came the creation of stars, galaxies, and supernovas, our sun, to 4.45 billion years ago with the creation of Earth, planets and the Solar System, etc. right to the creation of modern humans, and the development of language some 40,000 years ago.  These are a few facts that are cited before the creation of “our human ancestors” some 2.5 million years ago.  Imagine the magnitude of this. We humans are not long on this planet, and not very old when looking at the big picture of things.

Take a moment yourself, to do as Nhat Hanh suggests, “Look deeply into the palm of your hand, see your parents and generations of your ancestors. All of them alive in you at this moment.  Each is present in your body, alive in this moment” as you write your birthday card, as you walk and breath, moment by moment, “You are the continuation of each of these people,” generation after generation of ancestors.   More than that, it has been determined that we are evolved from stardust. Put that on your next job application!

“Our ancestry stretches back through the life forms and into the stars, back into the beginnings of the primeval fireball. This universe is a single multiform energetic unfolding of matter, mind, intelligence, and life.”
— Brian Swimme.

Yes, a birthday greeting can convey thoughts that open the viewer to an expansive perspective of BIRTH and the story of the Universe, our home.  Judy Cannato author of Radical Amazement writes, “our work is to integrate the new universe story, to take it in and live it out”, to “intertwine it with our own, and nurturing the most significant relationship we have, relationship with life itself.”

Taking all that into consideration, I think the occasion of sending a birthday card creates an ideal opportunity to connect with a deeper meaning - of life.  

by Sister Patricia St. Louis, csj