School is out! Now we can review what we have learned. It’s holiday time!
Image: Chi Liu @chiditty/Unsplash
We begin by viewing our country—Canada.
We’ve learned that we are a country that values its freedom and when we look around the world at wars and totalitarian regimes, we get a sense of how fragile freedom is.
We’ve learned that our land produces enough food to feed Canadians as well as provide for other countries, yet we are not encouraging youth to farm and are paving over more and more prime farmland every year.
We’ve learned that we provide education for all our children, yet we see rising in our society, more and more bullying, violence, suicide, mental illness and addictions especially among young people.
We’ve learned that a sense of belonging is what each person craves.
We’ve learned that we are dependent on nature. Plants and animals, the four seasons provide for our very existence, and we are learning, and need to learn more, how to dance together in harmony.
We are aware. We have attitude. We need action.
- Sister Elaine Cole, CSJ
Image: Hermes Rivera @hermez777/Unsplash