Elaine Cole

An Indispensable Man

Years ago, when I moved and began teaching at a new school with a new staff, I found this poem in my mailbox.  It touched me in a positive way; so much so, that I kept it all these years.


Sometime, when you’re feeling important,
Sometime, when your ego’s in bloom,
Sometime, when you take it for granted,
You’re the best qualified in the room:
Sometime when you feel, that your going,
Would leave an unfillable hole,
Just follow these simple instructions,
And see how it humbles your soul.

Take a bucket and fill it with water,
Put your hand in it up to the wrist,
Pull it out, and the hole that’s remaining,
Is a measure of how you’ll be missed.
You can splash all you please when you enter,
You may stir up the water galore,
But stop, and you’ll find that in no time,
It looks quite the same as before.

The moral in this quaint example,
Is to do just the best that you can,
Be proud of yourself, but remember,
There’s no indispensable man.
— by Saxon White Kessinger

On December 30, we celebrate the anniversary of the death of Father Jean-Pierre Médaille, S.J. who founded our Community of the Sisters of St. Joseph 375 years ago. 

When I think of putting my hand into a bucket of water up to my wrist and taking it out without stirring or splashing, I imagine this man travelling from village to village in France, just doing the best that he could for the women of his time trying to do for the suffering people around them the best that they could.

It was my privilege to visit France over twenty years ago.  The place where Father Médaille was buried has become a parking lot and I envision not only the humility of this man but also the humility of St. Joseph the patron Saint of our Community.  It seems to me that it was not so much their physical presence on earth at the time that was important, but it was the lasting effect of what they allowed God to do with their lives on Earth that was and is still important.

When they lived their lives on Earth and then disappeared, our Earth was not “quite the same as before.”

-Sister Elaine Cole, CSJ

Memory Work - First Day of Fall

When I was a child ‘memory work’ was very important in school.  As a child, it was a big effort to learn prayers by rote, to memorize perfectly the answers to the questions in our Catechism, and to memorize certain numbers of lines of poetry.

Then later in life I began to understand all the things I had memorized as a child.  The prayers, Catechism answers and poems, were no longer just words strung together but the words I had memorized found their way to my heart.

Trees by Joyce Kilmer, is one of the poems that touches my heart every year as I ponder their awe-inspiring beauty in the Autumn of their lives.  I’ve even found that my memory works best when I sing the poem. 

May these words reach your heart today.

-Sister Elaine Cole, csj


I think that I shall never see

A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest

Against the Earth’s sweet flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,

And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear

A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;

Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,

But only God can make a tree.

Joyce Kilmer, 1886-1918

Images: Ricardo Gomez Angel @rgaleriacom | Aaron Burden @aaronburden Unsplash

Let's Celebrate, eh!


School is out!  Now we can review what we have learned.  It’s holiday time!

Image: Chi Liu @chiditty/Unsplash

We begin by viewing our country—Canada. 

We’ve learned that we are a country that values its freedom and when we look around the world at wars and totalitarian regimes, we get a sense of how fragile freedom is.

We’ve learned that our land produces enough food to feed Canadians as well as provide for other countries, yet we are not encouraging youth to farm and are paving over more and more prime farmland every year.

We’ve learned that we provide education for all our children, yet we see rising in our society, more and more bullying, violence, suicide, mental illness and addictions especially among young people.

We’ve learned that a sense of belonging is what each person craves.

We’ve learned that we are dependent on nature. Plants and animals, the four seasons provide for our very existence, and we are learning, and need to learn more, how to dance together in harmony.

We are aware. We have attitude. We need action.

HAPPY CANADA DAY - LET’S CELEBRATE, EH!                                      

- Sister Elaine Cole, CSJ                                                    

Image: Hermes Rivera @hermez777/Unsplash

World Day of Prayer


In 2017, a group of ecumenical Palestinian Christian women were chosen by the World Day of Prayer International Committee to write the 2024 service based on the theme “I Beg You … Bear With One Another In Love” inspired by Ephesians 4:1-3.

During COVID the committee of Palestinian women continued to work, pray, reflect, and write the Prayer Service for our World Day of Prayer this year.  These women are convinced that standing together as one global community and transcending our differences can result in a brighter future for the troubled area of Israel and Palestine.  The Committee of Palestinian Christian Women wants us to join them in praying together with hope that one day, the people of their land will enjoy peace and prosperity.

The prayer service will include testimonies of women who dare to speak the truth in love of their personal journeys living under occupation; it will include a brief devotional message as well as, music, hymns, and prayers.

Women attending the prayer service will be asked to join in the following commitment of the heart:

  • “May we commit to working for peace as we stand with all women, particularly those experiencing oppression, violence, or discrimination.

  • May we be faithful advocates for decision makers working on all levels of society, including religious institutions.

  • May we bear with one another in love until God’s justice and peace reign throughout the whole world.”

-Sister Elaine Cole, CSJ

Video: واطلب اليكم (Wa atlubu) - I Urge You, by Najwa Hashweh Azazian (Palestine) | This song was especially composed for the 2024 World Day of Prayer.


            “By the word of the Lord the Heavens were made;. . . .” (Ps. 33: 6)

How’s your imagination?  Have you ever imagined God speaking words at the beginning of creation–especially the creation of our Earth?  I imagine God completing the planet Earth and then saying, “Tilt.”

We are approaching the summer solstice on June 21.  For us in the northern hemisphere, as we continue our revolution around the sun, we will be ‘tilted’ toward the sun and will feel its warmth.  The ‘tilt’ of the Earth is what gives us our seasons and so because of the ‘tilt’ of 23.4 degrees of Earth’s pole, we will have the longest day of the year.  In other words,  Earth’s northern hemisphere will begin the season summer.

As summer begins in the northern hemisphere we can honour human consciousness and rejoice with the British at the 5000 year old monument at Stonehenge.

-Sister Elaine Cole, csj

Image: Unsplash/Philip Mackie