Family Day

About Family

In Alberta, it was noted that February was a month without a day to have a holiday celebration.  Alberta passed the first Family Day Act in 1990.  The Lieutenant Governor of Alberta—Helen Hunley—established the third Monday of every February as Alberta Family Day.  Other Provinces adopted the holiday over the next twenty years.  Saskatchewan founded “Family Days” in 2007, and Ontario followed in 2008 then British Columbia in 2013.  British Columbia is the only province to choose the second Monday of the month instead of the third Monday. Other Provinces have adopted similar holidays in February.

Family Day is meant to provide an opportunity to spend quality time strengthening family relationships.  I’m reminded of the scripture from Exodus 20:12, that reads

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you”.

You may recognize this as the Fourth Commandment given to Moses on Mount Sinai.  It’s rather curious to note that this is the only Commandment with a condition attached, with a ‘provisio’.  Respect, esteem shown your parents merits long life wherever God is leading you.  This could be one interpretation of the Fourth Commandment.

I believe the Indigenous Community live instinctively their love, respect and esteem for their elders and merit to live long in this God-given land.

Perhaps we should focus on our families showing the members love, respect and esteem, so that we too can live long and peacefully in this land we call Canada.

-Sister Elaine Cole, CSJ

Embracing Togetherness

FAMILY DAY - February 19, 2024

Canada’s first Family Day occurred in Alberta in 1990. Ontario first celebrated this special day only sixteen years ago in 2008. If asked about the roots of Family Day, we might find ourselves with few words to say about it. “Professor Google” provided the following information as to how this day spread across our nation:

  • Family Day in Canada is celebrated on the third Monday in February, and technically is not a national, federally mandated holiday.

  • Most Canadians live in areas that celebrate Family Day as a province-level statutory holiday as does British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, New Brunswick, and Saskatchewan.

  • Other provinces have statutory holidays on the third Monday in February,  but these are not called Family Day. The holiday  is referred  to Louis Riel Day in Manitoba, Heritage Day in Nova Scotia, and Islander Day on Prince Edward Island.

  • Also, in the Yukon, the February holiday is called Heritage Day, celebrated on February 23, not as a statutory but a contractual holiday.

Image: Unsplash/Rod Long

Today, society as a whole recognizes that families come in various shapes. A family does not necessarily consist of blood relatives. Perhaps you have witnessed strong family ties among close knit people who love and support each other and see themselves as family.

The third Monday in February has no deeply rooted traditions associated with it as there are with Christmas or Thanksgiving. Whatever the February holiday is named, it provides a three-day winter weekend with precious time to celebrate the bonds of love among and between individuals who identify as family.

Let’s find ways to make Family Day 2024 an occasion to reconnect and  express our gratitude for the role families play in our lives and society.

-Sister Nancy Wales

"Christmas, Valentine's Day, and now Family Day. There ought to be a day for us-just singles".

Family Day weekend really lived up to its name this year. On Saturday, our family celebrated the marriage of my dear niece Kimberly to her long-time love Cole. Together with my 90 year old mother, my brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, it was one very happy occasion. At 1:00 a.m., I had to ask my mother whether she was finished partying yet so we could leave! A new partnership begun.

On Family Day Monday we gathered again, this time with extended family and friends to celebrate the entrance into Eternal Life of our beloved Aunt Patricia who died peacefully at home one month short of her 97th birthday. As Aunt Patricia loved family, we were grateful that her funeral could happen on Family Day. 

Two life events saturated with loving family.

On Monday evening, I stopped by the Hamilton Out of the Cold Program dinner. One of the guests said, "There's Christmas, then Valentine's Day and now Family Day. There ought to be a day for us-just singles".  She proceeded to remind me that she and many other guests of Out of the Cold do not have any family whatsoever. After such a weekend filled with family for me, it was a stark reminder first to be ever grateful for family and second, to remember that others may not have family and need others to reach out to them and to foster oportunities for friendships to feel like family.

Nancy Sullivan, CSJ
Hamilton Neighbourhood 


February – the most dreaded word in a grade three spelling bee. It is the shortest month of the year, even when once in four it has one day more. For being such a short month it is jammed packed with heart growth full opportunities.

Valentine’s Day (Friday, February 14th) is also known as “Happy Heart Day.” Let’s take it beyond mushy, let’s make it real. We think with fondness on the ones we love; this year we could make a special effort to reach out to one or two of those who could benefit from a smile or surprise card. As children, we remember counting our valentines – who received the most or least – the one’s we created for our mothers and fathers.

In our world as it is today we need “Happy Hearts” more than once a year. It will take some work but “it is a small world after all!” Heart to heart – we can make it happen.

A few years ago the Canadian Government decided that there would be a holiday every month of the year. February did not have such a day. So they instituted “Family Day” (Monday, February 17th this year), a wonderful concept for those families who are able to take advantage of it. I was always under the notion that “everyday” was family day. “What a wonderful world it would be.”

As a real plus this year we have the “Winter Olympic Games” that started on Thursday, February 6th in Sochi Russia.

Please explain to me why the unity of coming together every four years (Summer and Winter Olympics) can’t be extended to a broader base. The games are an opportunity for the best athletes from most countries to compete, mingle, and celebrate the best of the best. On the other hand we have Syria, Iraq, Egypt, etc. – their games are devastating, we must not forget the “war games: where nobody wins or celebrates. “Peace on Earth, Good Will TO ALL!”

February – F-e-b-r-u-a-r-y!

Happy Heart!

Happy Family!

Happy Games!

P.S. My apologies to Wiarton Willie and all groundhogs – I forgot to mention February 2nd Groundhog Day. 

Barbara Vaughan, CSJ