About Family

In Alberta, it was noted that February was a month without a day to have a holiday celebration.  Alberta passed the first Family Day Act in 1990.  The Lieutenant Governor of Alberta—Helen Hunley—established the third Monday of every February as Alberta Family Day.  Other Provinces adopted the holiday over the next twenty years.  Saskatchewan founded “Family Days” in 2007, and Ontario followed in 2008 then British Columbia in 2013.  British Columbia is the only province to choose the second Monday of the month instead of the third Monday. Other Provinces have adopted similar holidays in February.

Family Day is meant to provide an opportunity to spend quality time strengthening family relationships.  I’m reminded of the scripture from Exodus 20:12, that reads

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you”.

You may recognize this as the Fourth Commandment given to Moses on Mount Sinai.  It’s rather curious to note that this is the only Commandment with a condition attached, with a ‘provisio’.  Respect, esteem shown your parents merits long life wherever God is leading you.  This could be one interpretation of the Fourth Commandment.

I believe the Indigenous Community live instinctively their love, respect and esteem for their elders and merit to live long in this God-given land.

Perhaps we should focus on our families showing the members love, respect and esteem, so that we too can live long and peacefully in this land we call Canada.

-Sister Elaine Cole, CSJ