In Canadian society, almost every day of the year has some special event to which it is attached. Most Canadians know that Christmas is on December 25th and that Remembrance Day occurs on November 11th but how many people know that there’s a whole day set aside to highlight best friends. The famous British author, literary scholar and theologian C.S. Lewis gives gravitas to the topic, writing,
“Friendship is the greatest of worldly goods; certainly, to me, it is the chief happiness of life”.
Image: Unsplash/juan pablo rodriguez
Friendship has been an innate part of life since the dawn of time. What is this urge that draws us together in love and support? How am I attracted to some people more readily than others? With whom do I feel more comfortable and at ease?
My little grandniece is only two years old and often walks to the nearby daycare building with a little neighbour boy and his father. One day, upon returning home she announced, “Luke is my best friend”! How was she able to arrive at this fact at such an early age?
When I was in grade four, a group of students were bused about seven miles to augment another school that had very few students. At recess, on the first day of school, I noticed a little blonde grade-three girl hesitating as we raced to the school yard. I gingerly approached her and asked if she’d like to come and play. She shyly nodded her head, took my hand and in no time, we became best friends. Although our entrance into adulthood and a myriad of life changes drew us apart for several decades, in our later years, we continue to connect and know that the bond remains.
Research points out that there are many levels of friendship. During school years, students often bond as friends in groups. These bonds frequently change as late teens proceed to post-secondary education and make new friends. Next comes career opportunities, marriage etc. where other friendships develop or are merely casual, yet enjoyable.
It is a fact that if we have one or two BEST friends in life, we are considered fortunate. These are the ones with whom we can be ourselves and unburden our hearts. They are with us throughout all the vicissitudes of life. The relationship of best friends is mutual and strong but never clingy or overbearing. Of course, it is right to have one day a year to pause and thank God for the amazing gift of friendship. Celebrate June 8th by connecting with your best friend!
-Sister Jean Moylan, csj