Blue Dot

Suzuki Tells Elders to “Speak the truth from our hearts”

Sarnia, a city also known as the ‘Chemical Valley’, has once again benefitted by the presence, insight and eloquence of David Suzuki. The Imperial Theatre was entirely sold out for his book promo/speaking engagement on June 22nd. Bursts of applause broke out several times during Suzuki’s presentation and a standing ovation happened at the end. The proceeds from ticket sales went 50/50 to the David Suzuki Foundation and to the Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Sarnia/Lambton.

Two things in Suzuki’s presentation especially resonated with me:

  1. If we do not recognize that climate change is real and do not make change happen around this issue then we, as a human species, as well as many other species, will soon be extinct while the Earth will continue.
  2. Those of us who are the ‘elders’, who no longer have to “play the game” can now “speak the truth from our hearts”.

Suzuki presented as a very humble person. He interchanged comments with the reading of excerpts from his latest book, LETTERS TO MY GRANDCHILDREN.  It seemed to me that both the writing and reading were from the heart. Suzuki, despite the recent challenges that ‘environmentalists’ have experienced, remains committed to making change happen for his grandchildren and for all further generations who live on our planet Earth.  

Suzuki also talked about his “last campaign”, Blue Dot , (awesome stuff here). The vision is to start with communities, to get them to sign on, one by one, through municipal declarations in support of the right to a healthy environment ...  clean air, water and soil as basic rights.  So far from Victoria to Montreal to Yellowknife, some 30 municipalities have made such declarations. Why not your community too?

I do recommend the book as well as David’s comments on Pope Francis’ recent encyclical, LAUDATO SI’, on Care For Our Common Home.

Ann Steadman, CSJ Associate