Mary Raphael

The Power of Prayer

A Reflection on the Power of Prayer from Sister Mary Raphael

I was in the hospital from October 14 – 25 with a bowel obstruction. Upon returning home I was placed in our Care Center. Being weak, I knew I needed to be there.  After a short time, I had a conversation with our Director of Care. Since I could see how things improved a bit each day I felt that remaining in the Care Center was a good option. However, I did not want to move there prematurely. It was suggested that I take a month to make my final decision. I answered, “As far as I’m concerned, I’ve made my decision.”

Many people – my Sisters, my family, and friends had prayed for me that things could be resolved without a second surgery. Their prayers were answered, and miraculously a second operation was not required. The prayers not only prevented further surgery but enlightened me to see that the best insurance I had against further hospitalizations was to remain in the Care Center. Now I could see that things could be monitored more closely in the Care Center. 

During and following my stay in the hospital, I was restless and unable to pray.  However, there is one prayer from a novena which I repeated frequently – “O God, I surrender myself to you. You take care of everything.” And God did take care of everything!

While regaining my strength, I began my move from my 3rd floor room to the east wing of our Care Center.  I filled the basket on my rollator daily which meant I would not have boxes to unpack once I moved permanently.

Now, for meals I sit with three Sisters, one of whom is Sister Olga.  At 101 years of age, she has taught me by her example the power and benefits of maintaining a positive attitude.  She frequently comments on the blessings we have, and her ministry is one of presence and example.

Looking back over these last few months, I too, am moved by the power of prayer and the blessings of community life.

-Sister Mary Raphael, CSJ

Image: wallace Henry @ghostdogg187 / Unsplash