power of prayer

The Power of Prayer

A Reflection on the Power of Prayer from Sister Mary Raphael

I was in the hospital from October 14 – 25 with a bowel obstruction. Upon returning home I was placed in our Care Center. Being weak, I knew I needed to be there.  After a short time, I had a conversation with our Director of Care. Since I could see how things improved a bit each day I felt that remaining in the Care Center was a good option. However, I did not want to move there prematurely. It was suggested that I take a month to make my final decision. I answered, “As far as I’m concerned, I’ve made my decision.”

Many people – my Sisters, my family, and friends had prayed for me that things could be resolved without a second surgery. Their prayers were answered, and miraculously a second operation was not required. The prayers not only prevented further surgery but enlightened me to see that the best insurance I had against further hospitalizations was to remain in the Care Center. Now I could see that things could be monitored more closely in the Care Center. 

During and following my stay in the hospital, I was restless and unable to pray.  However, there is one prayer from a novena which I repeated frequently – “O God, I surrender myself to you. You take care of everything.” And God did take care of everything!

While regaining my strength, I began my move from my 3rd floor room to the east wing of our Care Center.  I filled the basket on my rollator daily which meant I would not have boxes to unpack once I moved permanently.

Now, for meals I sit with three Sisters, one of whom is Sister Olga.  At 101 years of age, she has taught me by her example the power and benefits of maintaining a positive attitude.  She frequently comments on the blessings we have, and her ministry is one of presence and example.

Looking back over these last few months, I too, am moved by the power of prayer and the blessings of community life.

-Sister Mary Raphael, CSJ

Image: wallace Henry @ghostdogg187 / Unsplash

The Power of Prayer

If you’ve been watching the news these past couple weeks, no doubt you will have heard about the cardiac arrest that 24-year-old Damar Hamlin of the Buffalo Bills football team suffered after receiving a blow to the chest by a team member of the Cincinnati Bengals.  Aware that a serious injury had occurred, a group of players and staff knelt in prayer around Damar as medics worked with him until an ambulance arrived to transport him to a nearby hospital.

As Hamlin lay in a coma, the world watched as sports fans and people around the globe prayed for his recovery.  The media announced that staff and students at Pittsburgh’s Catholic High School, from where Hamlin graduated in 2016, prayed throughout those early days. An evening prayer vigil was held at the school as the medical crisis unfolded.

“If we didn’t believe that prayer (works), we wouldn’t ask this of you, God,” Orlovsky said in the prayer. “I believe in prayer. We believe in prayer. We lift up Damar Hamlin’s name in Your name.”
— Orlovsky, a former NFL quarterback, prayed for Hamlin during Tuesday’s NFL Live broadcast as his two co-hosts bowed their heads and said “Amen” when he was done.

'God Using Me in a Different Way': Damar Hamlin Tweets His Faith as Entire NFL Teams Bow in Prayer

As the days passed, more and more people joined their hearts and voices in prayer as Damar began his slow but remarkable recovery.  The now famous footballer, a man of faith, was loud in his praise and thanksgiving to God, the attentive doctors, and medical staff for helping him to stay alive.  Newspapers even reported on the healing power of prayer and faith.

Now, as Hamlin continues his recovery, our society is beginning to reflect on the power of prayer in healing.  This was evidenced in the faith of Damar, his family, friends, teachers, and countless others placing their trust in God’s love. Many people already experience the gift of faith in their lives and the power of prayer to uplift and sustain, especially in times of crisis.  At this time in history, with global fanaticism about sports, Hamlin’s cardiac arrest caused citizens to pause and witness faith-filled athletes and people turn en masse at the encouragement of Damar himself, and storm heaven for divine assistance.

There is power in prayer.

God’s grace and help are with us at every moment.  All we need to do is acknowledge it and lean on each other for support.  I’m sure that’s why the phone in our home rings often with people requesting our prayers for various needs.  There is power in prayer, especially where two or three are gathered.  Go Bills!

-Sister Jean Moylan, CSJ