
The Ties That Bind

Every year in early November we Moylan women arrive from various points in southwestern Ontario to cottage together, celebrate and keep our family connections close and loving.

The Moylan women are not a large group and the number who attend each year varies. Except for 2020 when COVID-19 cancelled our gathering, 2021 marked our 14th annual get-together. This year, seven of us weary Friday night travelers arrived with the usual anticipation of fun and strengthening the family ties. Following a tasty dinner and staking out our bedrooms, connections were renewed, and laughter shared until sleep and cozy beds beckoned.

How wonderful to wake up Saturday morning, knowing that the weekend was ours to linger over breakfast and catch up on family happenings until lunch miraculously appeared on the table. Meanwhile, after lunch we were fortunate to bask in autumn’s finest weather. Walks in the sunshine, contemplating sparkling Lake Huron, quiet reading by the fireplace and exploring every nook and cranny filled the afternoon. Niece Marianne spied a 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle and her work began in earnest. It was a welcomed change from her usual busy RN days.

Following evening Mass in Bright’s Grove and a delicious candlelight dinner, we settled into an evening of relaxing activities. Emma 16, sat down to play cards with her three great-aunts. We oldsters enjoyed her youth and enthusiasm and her willingness to keep score.

All too soon, it was time to prepare for home. Marianne announced that she wouldn’t leave until the puzzle was completed so her cousin Janet stepped in to assist. We appreciated that throughout the weekend, there had been plenty of connecting with our nearest and dearest and embracing the ties that bind us together as family.

As we packed up our belongings, settled next year’s date and waved our good- byes, the beautiful Old Mill puzzle on the sturdy, hardwood table left a reminder of the blessing of family time awaiting the next group to arrive on the doorstep.

-Sister Jean Moylan, csj