The Paradox of Leisure

Today in my inbox I received two emails. One of the writers spoke of taking the month of August “off” as is her practice. The other spoke of leaving her office and very busy podcast production life to write.

One is a facilitator of conflict and diversity training; the other has been hosting podcasts on anti-racism along with poetry and hope. Naturally one begins to think of the urgency of these times and what terrible timing to be “off” when everything else in the world of their particular work seems “super on.”

Maybe that is the point. Our best contribution is not usually offered from a place of urgency…natural disasters excepted of course. Perhaps our strongest and boldest work is from a place of alignment and of integrity in which the inner landscape and the outer events speak to each other…and listen to each other.

In the part of the world I live in urgency and busyness have eclipsed the significance of leisure and spaciousness. Is that why the new and transformative have such a hard time breaking through? Perhaps….

- Sister Margo Ritchie, csj