The Power of One - and All

Newsflash:  A US coal giant wants to double the size of the Northern Alberta Vista coal mine!

Do you ever get tired of signing your name in support of various worthy causes?

I do.  Over the last few years, I’ve received my share of campaigners asking me to “click here” and support an issue needing attention.  Sometimes I sign and at other times I don’t.

On July 23rd, an email bounced into my computer from, a campaigner that I frequently support. This group describes itself as, “an independent campaigning community that brings Canadians together to hold government accountable, deepen our democracy and take action for the common good”.  Their present initiative caught my attention. In a mere six days, Environment Minister Wilkinson would make a decision that would determine whether or not to allow, in words, “a massive Northern Alberta coal mine expansion that would cause irreversible damage and violate indigenous rights”.  Chipping in money or simply signing an online petition would assist in turning a video of the Environment Minister endorsing the expansion, into a powerful ad.

Do I think my signature made a difference?

In record time, many people contributed money to support halting the expansion. Others, including myself, clicked on “sign the petition”.  I also took the additional step of leaving voice messages for the Environment Minister and our local federal Liberal representative.  The money was received, the video ad aired, and the petitions tallied. Minister Wilkinson heeded the message and halted the Vista coal mine expansion.  Now, a federal assessment will be a key step in the government’s decision concerning the green light on Vista’s destructive endeavor.

“My dear friends: Your vote is precious, almost sacred. It is the most powerful nonviolent tool we have to create a more perfect union.”
– John Lewis, 2012 speech in Charlotte, North Carolina

At the end of it all, do I think my signature and voice mails made a difference in the positive outcome?  YES, I DO, just as my signature, along with thousands of others made a difference back in February when we helped to stop the Teck Frontier mega-mine that would have blown through Canada’s climate targets.

Although it’s challenging to keep abreast of current events and to use our voices to bring burning issues to the forefront, it is eminently worthwhile to take decisive action.  I keep telling myself, “Every vote counts!

- Sister Jean Moylan, csj