“That was then. This is now.”
Six simple words that can inspire us every day. Years ago, I worked for a company called Trusted Transitions, which was devoted to helping seniors move from their houses into apartments or condos, or from an apartment or condo into a retirement residence or long-term care facility. As you have likely experienced yourself, moving forward often involves leaving things behind—things that are cherished, but are no longer necessary for the life you have now.
I remember once helping an older woman who was moving from her house to a retirement residence. She indicated that she wanted to take with her the full Mix Master set that sat on a top shelf in her kitchen cupboard.
Me: "Tell me about this Mix Master."
She: "It was the Mix Master I used to make all my children’s birthday cakes."
Me: "I understand. When was the last time you used it?"
She: "Oh, it has been years."
Me: "Do you plan to make birthday cakes at the retirement residence?"
She: "No, I don’t."
Me: "That Mix Master served you very well in the past. Do you need it now for your future?"
She: "Actually, I don’t. I will not take it with me."
We carry so much with us that was helpful in the past but is not needed now. This includes physical items such as dishes, utensils, clothing, papers, and Mix Masters! But more importantly, it refers to things we hold onto that prevent us from embracing what we need now. What do I need to let go of? Is it expectations of others? Expectations of myself? Is it dreams that no longer have the potential to be fulfilled? And what do I need now? Who do I need in my life? How can I best continue to serve others in spite of any limitations I may have? Who needs me and my prayers in their life?
“That was then. This is now.”
-Sister Nancy Sullivan, CSJ
Image:Muneeb Syed @muneebs/Unsplash