Guest Bloggers

Good Friday

How dare we call this Good Friday! And yet we do. Why?

It is difficult to imagine the sadness and overwhelming grief of walking with a loved one through pain, suffering and death unless you have been there. Today as we walk with Jesus to Calvary, we may have some inkling of what the disciples were going through. This year, at this holiest of seasons, we have far too many clear pictures of innocent victims in so many nations around the world. Balancing our days by being lovingly aware and yet not crippled with grief is a challenge. Can we be brave enough to stand at the foot of their crosses in prayer and appropriate action with all these victims; or with one?

because we know the end of the story

Despite the agony of Jesus, His followers and now those who suffer in the name of “religion” find triumph in Jesus’ final message. We must not meet evil with evil but with love, compassion, and courage. Accept gratefully the graces of this season and move purposefully forward because we know the end of the story. I trust in Jesus’ message of hope.

-Maureen Condon, CSJ Associate

Image: Alicia Quan/Unsplash

Holy Thursday

Jesus, the Christ, was a faithful Jew and so it is no surprise that he gathered together his disciples to celebrate the Passover as had been done for generations.

With careful preparation he gathered them and for the most part He followed the long adhered to rituals of telling the story of the Passover, discussing the story, drinking wine, eating matzah, partaking of symbolic foods, and reclining in celebration of freedom. What a surprise it must have been for all gathered when He raised the bread & wine saying THIS IS MY BODY & blood which was to be offered up within the next few hours. Then he asked them to do likewise in His memory. Do this to Remember Me.

How do you handle change ?

We become so used to doing things in a particular way that when that changes we become uncomfortable, cautious, even suspicious. We’ve always done it this way ! How wonderful it is to see Jesus leading the way by calling us to creatively interpreting our faith and greater fidelity. There is more than one way BE Faithful.

 -Maureen Condon, CSJ Associate

This Palm Sunday

This Palm Sunday, March 24, my daughter Rochelle will celebrate her 52nd birthday.  She was born with a myriad of problems and we were told to put her in an institution and forget about her and get on with our lives. How I had longed for this baby girl and never for a moment did I think she wasn’t a gift.

The advice of that pediatrician was harsh, in keeping with the times, but unthinkable.  I would not leave her orphaned; I would not give her up.  When I decided to follow Jesus I knew without a word of a doubt He would be at my side.  I knew He would help and guide me.  I had no idea what we would encounter, what barriers would be presented, what hurdles we would need to jump.  But I believed that Jesus does not make junk and that all life has value and we would do whatever was needed to support her life.

Her birth for me was the triumphant entry into my life path of following Jesus. Rochelle began my Holy week and my commitment to caring for her in the best way I knew how. I knew that with the power of the Holy Spirit and the assistance of my beliefs we would succeed.  For over 50 years we have been a team, breaking barriers and showing others what God can do if you are open.  Her life has been very challenging, but she has been a leader, she has taught so many others countless lessons.  She has been my greatest teacher in life. Often those considered by many in society as “bụi đời”, (less than dust is the translation) those who live undervalued by society give us the servant leaders our direction. My mother gave a poem to me many years ago that reads.

God hatH not promised skies ever blue

Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through

God hath not promised sun without rain,

Joy without sorrow, Peace without pain.

But he hath promised Strength for each day.

Rest after labour, Light for our way

Grace for all trials, Help from above

Unfailing sympathy and undying love.           

Jesus tells us,

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?  Mark 8:36

Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.  Matthew 16:24

-Grace King, CSJ Associate

Image: Tim Mossholder/Unsplash

It's All About Love

As a child Valentine’s day was something to look forward to and prepare for; making Valentine cards for family and friends, getting sweets in the shape of hearts. On the other hand, Ash Wednesday was a day for fasting and prayer, reminders of our need for repentance and receiving the ashes to remind us we were mortal. I admit it was also fun to wear the ashes and have the kids at the neighbouring school wondering what we were up to. That these two feasts are happening on the same day this year raises the question of whether there is a gift available in their unusual coming together.

Image: Unsplash/Kelly Sikkema

Recently a dear friend passed away after a long, loving and faith-filled life. While reflecting on her life, the gift of these two feasts became abundantly clear.  It’s all about LOVE. Her life witnessed her love of family and friends faithfully, consistently, and delightfully with kindness, humour and quiet presence; Valentine love if you will. Her deep love of and gratitude to God were made obvious not just when she had ashes on her forehead but by her loving presence not only at church but in her community where she faithfully ministered. Thank you Rose.

As we begin our Lenten journey may we bring with us the gift of our growing awareness of what it means to BE LOVE personified.

-Maureen Condon, CSJ Associate

Communing with a Ruff-Legged Hawk

I would have to say, the biggest highlight of the year for me, was the opportunity to commune very intimately with a ruff-legged hawk this past December 7, 2023. The encounter has forever changed me, having ingrained in me an even deeper spiritual connection to all of Creation. I witnessed the hawk being attacked by a vulture on one of the back roads between Thedford and Arkona, Ontario. As I drove closer, the vulture lifted off leaving the hawk lying on its back on the road. I stopped and approached the magnificent creature with the intent to move it off the road and out of the way of greater harm. When I spoke with it, the hawk looked me directly in the eyes. It felt as if he was looking deep into my soul. The environment around us dissolved and I was witness to all of Creation as seen through the hawk’s eyes. I heard (in my mind) “I see you for who you are.” It was nothing short of miraculous!

Not able to come to a solution about how to help this injured raptor, I placed him on his belly in the soft grass at the side of the road, apologized for being human and unable to help more, and left. Imagine my complete surprise the following day, when travelling the same route, a little head perked up at the side of the road very near the same spot I had left him! Gordon (named for the road on which we met) was trying to eat a morsel of the road kill over which he had been attacked. I pulled over a second time, withdrew a light fleece blanket from the back of the Terrain and approached the bird. He seemed to remember me, the crazy lady who talks to birds. I bundled him into the blanket, thanking him for the second chance to help him get medical care. He travelled with me, nestled against me, fastened under the seat belt with care not to irritate his injured wing. I noticed also that his upper beak had been broken at the tip. This would have made it more challenging to eat, no doubt.

It took a while and a couple of stops to get him to Salthaven Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre where, after a few days, it was determined that his injuries would significantly reduce the quality of his life and that he would not survive in the wild at all. He was released to the Great Beyond on Tuesday December 12th. His spirit soars freely now and I know that he will continue to teach me much over the coming months. Be sure to watch for the release of my second book, Omens of Change, where he has found a new life.


© Laureen Giulian, Author of Moon of Change